Monday, November 22, 2010

Blackberry Craze In Jamaica

Ping! The Blackberry craze is taking the world by storm and more so, the entertainment fraternity.
The popular cellular phone is reaching far and wide - with BlackBerrys often in hand at events, the premier of the first BlackBerry party and even a BlackBerry song.
It is not uncommon to go to popular events and in the midst of the party vibe, persons are spotted using their BlackBerrys rather than dancing up a storm.
'Crackberry', as it is often called, has persons hooked on their phones no matter the environment. Disc jock Richie Dee, and artistes Leftside and Raine Seville have captured the trend adequately in a new song that has recently been getting some airplay.
BB messaging
Titled What's Your Pin, the song, which is produced by Leftside, speaks about a male who has an iPhone rather than a BlackBerry and won't be able to 'pick up' as many girls because he doesn't have a BlackBerry pin.
In the song, Richie Dee deejays, "what's your pin, it's just a BlackBerry ting, the storm, di bold, di javelin. What's your pin? BB messaging." While Leftside joins in later saying, "mi step to her big and bold compliment her on her curve, and tell her sey inna fi har lane mi want to merge, she sey can I get your pin? Be specific which pin? The one fi di berry or di one to mek yuh merry?"
he party Rumberry, being held at Belvedere Road in Red Hills on May 24th, allows BlackBerry users an even more special privilege - getting into the party free with any BlackBerry.
Promoter Andre Young said, "the concept came from ever since BlackBerry has taken the world by storm. Myself and three of my friends decided to have a BlackBerry party. You can email in your BlackBerry pin to our email address and get on the guest list to come in free. Digicel is also on board for the party and persons who had to pay to come in who don't have a BlackBerry, can get the chance to win one."
The mix drinks for the party are aptly named after the phone, with mixes such as 'Black Pearl', 'Curve Ball', 'Sky Javelin' and 'Silent Storm'. While Young hasn't received the 500 emails from persons with BlackBerrys wanting to attend, with over 250 emails received so far, he is optimistic that the party will go well.

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