Monday, November 22, 2010

Clothing Trends in Jamaica

These days Jamaican Clothing trends have been fast changing through the years,I remember days when wearing tight/close fitting clothing would be deem as homophobic.Now since about 2008 it's been seen as sexy and swaggerific,this is due to dance hall music and European fashion (Haute Couture).What's Haute Couture u may wonder well it's  French for "high sewing" or "high dressmaking".
The so called roomy or big clothes is no longer hip in Jamaica and now it's time for skinny jeans,low rise boot cuts and straight legged jeans.Now in 2010 it's time for colors and swaggin even in school uniforms where kids will take their uniforms to a tailor or dress maker to have their uniforms altered to their liking,i myself also practice this trend and nearly all my clothing has been customized and altered to suit my own personal liking and sense of swagg/style.
Let's go in depth with this new alteration craze here in Jamaica,lets face it Jamaica is a third world counntry with a high and huge demand  for fashion and designer clothing is very expensive so here in Jamaica people buy lesser brand clothing and alter them and they looks jus as great and they fit comfortable it's like it was tailor made jus for you.

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